
Shortlist - National Architecture Awards


Shortlist - National Architecture Awards


NTF Architecture is honoured to announce that our Salisbury Townhouses have been shortlisted in the Multi-residential category for the Australian Institute of Architects National Awards for 2020.

Shortlisted from the various Austrlian Institute of Architects State Chapters, the Salisbury Townhouses joins four beautifully crafted projects from across Australia. It is by far the smallest of the shortlisted entrants however a project which we believe makes a strong and positive contibution not only to its surrounding context but also speaks to the future of sustainable redevelopemnt of outdated housing stock nation wide.   


"One of the few adaptive re-use projects in the category, the jury applauded this project for its ability to revitalise suburban housing stock at extremely low cost.

Reminiscent of a European model Salisbury adapts a group of 6 austere yet highly salvageable 1960’s single storey flats into 6 highly versatile 2 bedroom townhouses.

Through the simple act of reconfiguration, a paintjob and adding a repeat footprint overhead the architect provides a highly responsive site strategy successfully integrating the ground floor shells with a super insulated timber upper level. Through minimal intervention the dwellings activate the awkward triangular site via a variety communal &semi private outdoor spaces. Humble &rational in approach the appearance is elegant yet unfussy, robust and sustainable.

Within Whitehorse’s ‘Bush Suburban’ Overlay the act of re-use &adaptation allowed this developer greater yield at a lower cost to both themselves and the environment corresponding to a richer more affordable housing solution.

Melbourne will double its population in 30 years, clever densification of latent housing stock in middle to outer ring suburbs has never been more critical. Salisbury provides a fine example of the role architects can play in providing quality housing consolidation in areas where traditionally architects had little presence."


Thank you to our wonderful Client, the Team at NTF Architecture and our Builder on executing this project which promotes both sustainable and affordable design.⁠

See the Salisbury Townhouses here

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